How with Inverse Design Based Multi-Point Optimization You Can Cover a Large Design Space with Few Design Parameters

Multi-disciplinary optimization gives you a choice of various optimization methods, such as genetic algorithm, Design of Experiments, surrogate models by Kriging or response surface and sensitivity analysis.


Solve Difficult Turbomachinery Problems

Solve Difficult Turbomachinery Problems

Many difficult turbomachinery problems are multi-point/multi-objective and multi-disciplinary. By parametrizing blade loading you can cover a large design space with few parameters.

Automatically Satisfy Design Specifications

Automatically Satisfy Design Specifications

Design specifications such as mass flow rate and work coefficient are automatically satisfied. Ensuring clustering of points in the correct part of design space around the required duty point.

 Choice of Various Optimization Methods such as Genetic Algorithm

Choice of Various Optimization Methods such as Genetic Algorithm

Discover Direct Optimization using TURBOdesign Optima and Inverse Design Solver TURBOdesign1 for Multiple Objectives.


Rapid Exploration of the Design Space

Quickly investigate a large design space using integrated fast design point optimization inside TURBOdesign1. Use machine learning to automatically set up the range of design input parameters and quickly evaluate trade-offs between aerodynamic objectives and constraints.

Surrogate Models by Kriging or Response Surface

Surrogate Models by Kriging or Response Surface

Creating accurate models makes difficult multi-point, multi-disciplinary problems easy to solve under industrial times scales.

Sensitivity Analysis used to Reduce the Number of Design Parameters

Sensitivity Analysis used to Reduce the Number of Design Parameters

Unique Platform for Multi-Point & Multi-Disciplinary Turbomachinery Design Optimization

Unique Platform for Multi-Point & Multi-Disciplinary Turbomachinery Design Optimization

Many difficult turbomachinery problems are multi-point/multi-objective and multi-disciplinary. By parametrizing blade loading you can cover a large design space with few parameters. Typically 4-5 parameters can be used to represent 3D Blade shape.

Explore the Design Space

Parametric Meridional Design

Parametric Representation of all design parameters such as meridional shape, thickness and stacking, as well as blade loading, enable rapid exploration of large design spaces. By using just one parameter major geometrical features such as axial length or radial extent can be changed while maintaining topology.

Integrate with Ansys Workbench

Integrate with Ansys Workbench

TURBOdesign Suite integrates directly with Ansys Workbench for CFD optimization.

Multidisciplinary Optimization with ANSYS Workbench

Multidisciplinary Optimization with ANSYS Workbench


Integrate with Siemens CCM+

Integrate with Siemens CCM+

TURBOdesign Suite also integrates directly with Siemens CCM+.

“We are always constrained by development time. So, we were looking for ways to cut development time in addition to achieving the efficiency goals. TURBOdesign Suite was the only commercially available 3D Inverse Design software. We decided to use it.”

Companies across the world use TURBOdesign Suite for their turbomachinery design. 

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